This film series and website are rooted in the moment I met William while praying at Denver Planned Parenthood several years ago. I had given him a copy of my pro-life documentary that is principally about rape conception. After he watched it, he said he thought it was powerful. He told me that he was a filmmaker, and that if I ever wanted to do another film project, he would love to be a part of it.
I told him, "I DO have a burden to do another documentary! This time I want to make one about how Planned Parenthood is complicit and facilitates sex trafficking of underage girls by selling them abortions when they are brought in by their pimps and traffickers." Planned Parenthood routinely looks the other way, takes the money, and gives these young girls right back into the hands of those who are obviously abusing and trafficking them, and they ignore reporting laws!!!
The very next day, I was up north in Wyoming, alone except for one man I met in the wilderness who was spring bear hunting. He told me his brother had devoted his entire life to fighting sex trafficking. This was a clear confirmation for me that God wanted to do another pro-life film project.
Fast forward to last year, shortly before Roe v. Wade was overturned. I received an invitation from William to meet his filmmaker friend Jonathan in a Skype call to discuss my documentary idea and burden. During our call, my baby save album was right there, and I started turning pages, sharing the many beautiful and undeniable God Stories, and how the pro-life community had pitched in with baby showers and baby registries, furnished heating oil, turned girls' lights back on, paid rent, furnished cars, paid for vocational training, and on and on. When they shared with their investor how this former meth addict was being used by God in such a way, he excitedly said, "Hey, we need to tell THIS GUY'S story! What an encouragement to others to get more involved in pro-life activism."
Honestly, I can't wait to tell the stories of some of the amazing people God has put in my path who have or ARE laying their lives down for the gospel and for Christ in "The least of these!" Some of them, like my dear friend Karen Black Mercer, who turned THOUSANDS of girls from abortion in the many years she was a sidewalk counselor in Atlanta. (William interviewed her just a couple of weeks ago.) Karen and others like Mary Wagner's family in Canada have more sacrificial zeal and sanctity in their PINKY than I will ever have.
How about YOU? Is your story or someone's story God has put in your path crying out to be shared?
I had no idea that our Skype call last year would take this direction. Jonathan keeps referring to its potential of becoming a "movement" rather than a film series. I LOVE the vision of Jonathan and William. I tend to be just the dumb grunt with my boots in the trenches day in and day out, either at the abortion mills or networking, trying to turn girls from abortion, or bringing people and resources together for girls/couples who choose life.
Almost daily, I'm blown away at how God brings it all together, connecting His beautiful people, resources, and circumstances to help these girls. For instance, I've discovered that most often if a girl I find online chooses life, I can arrange a baby shower for her with one phone call. I find out what city she is in and go to 40 Days for Life's vigil locator and get the phone # of their local coordinator, call them up and say: "I encountered a girl in an abortion forum in your city that was planning abortion, but now she wants to keep her baby and I'm looking for help for her. Would you be interested in sponsoring a baby shower for her?" Most often I can almost hear them rolling up their sleeves and spitting on their hands excitedly saying, "How can we help? We LOVE baby showers! What do you want us to do?" Sometimes I instantly break down in tears because I realize this is a supernatural encounter with the hands and feet... and HEART of Jesus Christ! I tell them, "Invite the most evangelical 'Jesus oozing' people you know to the shower, people who will take a sincere interest in the girls and their families." It is a golden opportunity to introduce these girls to authentic Christianity and faith. "Honey, you should come over and have supper with us and meet the rest of our family!" "No, sweetheart, you should come to OUR house, we have better food and also a Bible study and a young mothers group at our house." I ask them to overwhelm these girls with God's love. Many of them have never been exposed to the love and authenticity of the pro-life/faith community!
Last October, Jonathan said he felt that God wanted him to come and do some filming at abortion clinics and interview me at the Sharon Camp where God started healing me and changing me and where He gave me the first hints that He was calling me to pro-life activism. It's where my story began.
I sent a few texts that we were looking for host families in Laramie and also in Fort Collins. Also, a loaner vehicle that would accommodate all of the film equipment and camping gear, etc.
Within hours, everything I asked for was provided. That, and without even asking, people kept handing me envelopes with donations to help support our project. God was CLEARLY behind this.
I had no idea that our Skype call would take the direction it's taking!
For several years, I have had this conviction growing that there are so many people's pro-life ministries and God stories going untold and lost and that there should be a place where they could share their stories with the world. Then independently this project took this unforeseen direction, and William and Jonathan asked me what I thought of the very thing that had burned in my heart for years but didn't know how to make it happen. Needless to say, it is obvious that God is at work subtly but decidedly guiding this along!
Yesterday, Jonathan and William shared the website with me for the first time with some content, and I was BLOWN AWAY how beautiful it turned out! I was able to watch my dear friend Dr. Francis Smith's interview in front of Denver Planned Parenthood. Ironically, I had gone to his memorial service only hours before. Dr. Francis was born without ears or hearing and had to depend on a vibrating device to hear. But God had given Francis an ear for music, and he was an accomplished violinist and organist and pianist. He earned his PHD, was a motivational speaker and advocate for others with his syndrome. He would come and humbly pray with us almost every week at the Abortion mill. He was an advocate and fundraiser for save the storks. What I'm going to miss MOST about Francis are his famous HUGS. EVERYBODY Loved Francis!
I'm so excited to start filling the site up with pro-life stories like Francis and especially from girls I helped choose life. So far about a dozen of them have said they want to participate and share their stories!
We are looking for many more stories of choosing Life, how GOD showed up and provided! I always tell girls I'm pleading with, "He Who sends mouths will also send bread if we simply put our trust in HIM!" You can take it to the bank! I've seen it almost countless times! God is faithful.
I don't know if this is beyond the scope of what Jonathan and William want to do with this project, but I'd like to share powerful and beautiful conversion stories like William's and mine! Perhaps like YOURS!
Please pray everything comes together and that Satan be bound, silenced, distanced, and powerless to interfere in any way. By the Power and Authority of Jesus' Name."
God is WITH US! Your friend, Kevin