Some things hit you straight in the heart.
Reading this letter was one of those moments. It was difficult to read through the tears. The Holy Spirit’s anointing is powerful in it.
This letter was written by Dr. Coleman Boyd, a doctor, farmer, and rescuer—a man who has risked everything to defend the unborn. For years, he smuggled Bibles into China alongside Cal Zastrow and other rescuers, bringing the Word of God into places of darkness.
I had the honor of hearing his testimony firsthand when Jonathan filmed him in Nashville last summer. Standing in the presence of such a humble, holy man, I felt like a spiritual midget. His faith is real, his conviction unshakable—and his words, alongside the twelve other rescuers who signed this letter, are a challenge to us all.
This letter is addressed to President Donald J. Trump, thanking him for the recent pardons of pro-life rescuers and challenging him to do more.
Below is the full letter, signed by twelve of the rescuers, including Dr. Coleman Boyd, Cal Zastrow, Paul Vaughn, Eva Edl, and others.

An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump
📅 January 29, 2025
Dear President Trump,
After living under the heavy hand of a weaponized United States Department of Justice for the past twenty-seven months, let us start by saying THANK YOU! We are a group of Christians who love Jesus and our neighbors, including our preborn neighbors. We are fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, pastors, missionaries, farmers, and small business owners.
You have had an amazing first week in office as the forty-seventh President of the United States. While much change was expected after your inauguration, the breakneck speed of actions that you have taken is nothing less than historic.
We are very thankful to see your pardons of the J6ers, the dissolution of the federal DEI agenda, and now the pardon of those of us who were persecuted and prosecuted by the Biden DOJ for loving our preborn neighbors as ourselves.
The Biden regime’s lawless use of executive power to target you, the J6 political prisoners, and other law-abiding conservative patriots was a clear demonstration of unjust political persecution.
These are the actions of a nation in decline!
We were not surprised at all when the Biden regime began its persecution of those who protect the preborn in late 2022 as this was exactly what one would expect from a pro-abortion, God-hating socialist administration.
Sadly, this is the fruit of a nation that allows any human being uniquely created in God’s image to be murdered, whether born or preborn. The book of Proverbs tells us that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” As Americans, we have killed upwards of 70 million to 150 million babies through surgical and, more recently, chemical abortion. We have polluted our land with the guilt of innocent blood and truly brought reproach upon ourselves.
We should not be surprised that patriots such as yourself and the J6ers are wrongly persecuted in a society that allows babies in the womb to be murdered. This would include babies who are conceived in rape or incest or have congenital anomalies. Even these babies are uniquely created by God, who makes each person in his image according to his will. Codifying exceptions based on our well-intentioned and seemingly compassionate motives into law will always have both immediate and eternal consequences.
The importance of protecting such babies is especially close to the heart of one father in our group. Dr. Coleman Boyd, a father of thirteen, has an eighteen-month-old adopted daughter who was conceived by a thirteen-year-old mother in rape. This mother courageously decided not to punish her child for the birth father’s evil act. Now, the child’s birth mother lives with the joy that her precious daughter is alive and enjoying life and is blessed with the reality that something good came from that rape.
We can never expect justice to rule in any other area of life while we continue to allow any innocent human beings to be put to death on our watch without due process of law. We are so thankful for the steps you have taken in this first week of your administration to establish justice. We say from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!
We now ask you to go further. We ask you to redirect your policy on abortion and treat every preborn child with the dignity they deserve and give them equal protection as persons under the law through a federal ban. Neither a heartbeat, brainwaves, viability, or other objective measurements of development determine the worth of a human being.
A baby's worth is determined by the fact that God has stamped him or her with his image, and we must protect every life if we desire God to bless the United States of America.
In addition, we ask you to lead the way in repealing the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. This law was always meant to be partial toward injustice. It was meant from the beginning to persecute pro-life Christians who love their neighbors.
As you continue to labor to lead our country to greatness, please know that we, along with our families and churches, will continue to pray for you daily that God will grant you wisdom to establish justice in this great nation of ours.
Thank you again for pardoning all of the pro-lifers. We are very grateful.
Dr. Coleman Boyd
Paul Vaughn
Cal Zastrow
Dennis Green
Eva Edl
Eva Zastrow
Jim Zastrow
Heather Idoni
Chester Gallagher
Paul Place
Justin Phillips
Joel Curry
A Challenge to the Church
Reading this letter convicts me to my core.
If these men and women were willing to sit in prison for the sake of the unborn…If they were willing to risk everything for justice…If they were willing to put their faith into action at great cost…
Then what is our excuse?
The Church in Germany stayed silent during the Holocaust. Cal Zastrow said it plainly: we aren’t much better.
We say we are pro-life. We say abortion is murder. But what are we doing?
Pray. Act. Speak. Do something.