Christians, Stand Boldly for Life and Truth
To Christians everywhere,
As followers of Christ, we are called to courageously embrace the mission God has entrusted to us: to stand for life and truth in a world that often denies both. This is not a task to be delegated—it is a personal responsibility we must bear with conviction and love. By signing this petition, I pledge to answer this call with faithfulness and courage, trusting in God’s strength to guide me.
A Scriptural Mandate
The charge given in Proverbs 24:11–12 is unambiguous:
"Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Surely we did not know this,’ does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?”
Silence in the face of such a crisis is complicity. Ignorance will not absolve us. God sees our hearts and will hold us accountable for how we respond to the plight of the most vulnerable—the unborn, their mothers, and all who are affected by abortion.
A Personal Call to Sacrifice
Throughout Scripture, we see God’s people called to sacrifice and courage. Jesus commended the widow who gave her last coin—not because of the amount she gave, but because of her sacrifice and trust in God (Mark 12:41-44). Similarly, He challenged the rich young man to leave behind everything to follow Him (Matthew 19:21-22). These stories remind us that God calls for our whole hearts, not half-measures.
Similarly, God calls each of us to take up our cross (Luke 9:23) and live in sacrificial love for others. While not everyone is called to face imprisonment like modern-day rescuers, each of us is called to do something meaningful.
Too often, we rely on others to fight the battles God has placed before us. Donating to a non-profit is valuable, but it cannot replace the personal actions we are called to take. We cannot hide behind organizations, no matter how noble their missions. Instead, we must each step into the fray and carry our crosses.
Look to the modern-day rescuers who risk imprisonment to save the unborn. While God may not call you to the same extremes, He is undoubtedly calling you to do something. This is the greatest massacre the world has ever seen, and indifference is not an option.
Practical Commitments
In signing this petition, I pledge to take concrete actions to defend life and proclaim truth - stepping outside of my comfort zone to do as much as I can.
1. Pray and Witness
• Publicly witness against abortion through prayer and peaceful presence at abortion mills.
• Display signs of hope and life in my community.
• Write letters to legislators urging pro-life policies or advocate for life-affirming resources and services in my local community.
2. To Pastors: As a pastor, I will preach the fullness of truth, boldly proclaiming the gospel and addressing moral evils like abortion, even when it is unpopular or uncomfortable.
3. Educate and Advocate
• Host or participate in discussions to educate others on the sanctity of life.
• Advocate for resources and services that uphold life.
4. Support and Volunteer
• Offer my time, talents, or resources to pregnancy resource centers, adoption agencies, or post-abortion healing ministries.
• Support and encourage families who are fostering or adopting, offering practical help where needed.
5. Speak Boldly: Have courageous conversations with family, friends, and neighbors, sharing the truth about life with compassion and clarity.
6. Live Out Faith
• Embrace God’s plan for my own family, being open to life and modeling the values I proclaim.
• Teach my children about the sanctity of life and the importance of defending the vulnerable, modeling compassion and conviction.
7. Fast and Pray: Commit to regular fasting and prayer for the end of abortion and the healing of all who are affected.
A Unified Declaration
As Dietrich Bonhoeffer warned, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Let us break the silence and stand united for life. Together, we can create a culture where every life is valued, protected, and cherished.
Let this pledge be a declaration not only to the world but to ourselves—that we will not shirk our responsibility or pass it on to others. By signing, I commit to being the change that God desires, trusting Him to guide my steps and strengthen my resolve. May our actions reflect the love and courage of Christ, who carried His cross for us and calls us to do the same.
Lord, give me strength to stand firm, love to act with compassion, and courage to endure any cost. May Your will be done through me. All this we pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.