New Series

New Series
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Since their recent pardon by President Trump, the Rescuers have made national headlines—men and women who were arrested, sentenced, and even imprisoned for peacefully blocking abortion facility doors in an effort to defend the unborn and reach the women entering. Their story intrigued me—not just as a storyteller, but as someone longing to go deeper in my faith.
Over the past year, our family took a leap of faith, traveling alongside these courageous believers as they faced prosecution under the FACE Act. We witnessed firsthand the deep convictions that led them to risk everything. In our upcoming episodes, you’ll see our own journey of faith, the Rescuers’ powerful testimonies, and the trials they endured for standing for life.
Maybe you feel it too—the call to something more. A leap of faith, a step into the unknown, a trust that defies comfort. That’s the road we’re walking, and we want you to come with us.
These episodes will take you inside the lives of rescuers—through interviews, pivotal moments in their journeys, and our own family’s search for the beauty found at the heart of the cross.
The Greatest Stories Begin
Where Certainty Ends.
"At the end of your life, you will not Be judged By the comforts you sought, But By the risks you took for Christ. You will not regret the things you did, But the things you left undone."
Pope Benedict XVI
Why did we do it?
The world tells us to seek security, to live safely, to avoid risk. But Christ calls us to something more—to a life poured out in love, to a greatness that can only be found in sacrifice.
Last summer, we traveled across the country, immersing ourselves in the stories of men and women who have chosen to embrace this call. They are not celebrities. They are not politicians. They are ordinary Christians—mothers, fathers, young adults, and elderly grandparents—who have counted the cost and decided that the protection of the unborn is worth everything.
Some have left behind successful careers. Others have spent months or even years in prison. They have risked their reputations, their comfort, and their freedom. Not because they wanted to be radical, but because they recognized that faith without action is dead. Because they know that at the end of our lives, we will not regret the sacrifices we made for love—but we will regret what we left undone.
Even though this meant leaving behind stable jobs and financial security, we knew our sacrifice was small compared to the incredible courage of those we were following. Trusting in God, we set out with enough money for a week's worth of hotel rooms and some gas. We had no idea how long we'd be gone, only that there was something profound to learn from their bold witness. With each step, we relied on God's providence and the generosity of others, discovering that when we walk in faith, He always provides.
Christians, Stand Boldly for Life and Truth

God asks each of us to step beyond comfort into something greater.
For the rescuers, that meant risking everything to defend the unborn. For us, it meant leaving behind stability to tell their story.
What is He asking of you?
Will you take the leap?
"The mystery of the cross is that when we embrace it with love, we find how light it truly is."
No Greater Love